Tuesday, May 11, 2010

BHS Spotlight, 1957 featuring "Snooper"

Thanks to Nancy Faye Goodson Bruce


  1. Nostalgiaville. Thanks for posting.

  2. Hardly any of those dating partners amarried. Some did, and are still together.

  3. If anyone remembers the old "North Bridge", a place to park with your girl and do a little sparking, and if you remember it burning, it was allegedly set on fire by jealous Booneville boys who had lost some of their girlfriends to boys from Baldwyn. They had been seen at the bridge with the guys from Baldwyn, and therefore the bridge was deemed the revenge mechanism. I don't know if the arsonists were ever found and prosecuted.
    The bridge was on North Second street just past the Richey's farm.

  4. Wasn't anything better than the full moon and a girl in my convertible parked at Elders Lake.
